

So you probably wonder who’s behind TowersStreet and why?

Well, we’ll gladly give you a little history and a bit about who’s here…

TowersStreet was first established in June 2012 by a team of 12 dedicated and passionate people from various walks all with one common interest and love – Alton Towers, theme parks and everybody else who loves them too!

When things continually didn’t work out between the team and the owner of another Alton Towers community site that the whole team volunteered for, they took the difficult decision to move from that community and establish their own – with all of the goodness and best bits to be planted as seeds for their new home – here at TowersStreet.com!

We are more than grateful for those loyal members who also braved the transition and supported the team at their new home. Without them, our dedication, passion and love would not go on as strongly as it does. Thank you.