TowersStreet News

Scarefest Line-Up Confirmed

Thursday 2 August 2012 6:40
Updated 4th July 2013

Alton Towers have today announced the line up for Scarefest 2012 with 3 mazes and one Scare Zone currently confirmed for this years event.

Once again Terror of the Towers will be the principle attraction based within the atmospheric Towers complex. Carnival of Screams is returning for its 3rd outing at the resort and The Zombies! Scare Zone will return after a positive response in its initial year in 2011.

Finally a brand new maze will be created for 2012, replacing the Boiler House which was confirmed not to be returning at the end of Scarefest 2011, currently no details have been released about the theme and story of the new maze.

It looks like all the Mazes will again be held on the theme park with only Terror of the Towers being included in the ticket price. A joint ticket for the new Maze and Carnival of Screams will be available at a discounted price.

Family events are set to include:

Franklyn’s Freaky Farm – returning again to take over Old Macdonalds Farm with family fun.

Patch’s Trick or Treat Party – a live stage show featuring the Scarefest characters.

Character meet and greets with Skelvin, Franklyn, Patch and Phil. Scarefest runs 13th, 14th of October and then 19th to 31st of October, with the park open until 9pm.

Rumours of new scare-zones and new locations for the mazes are yet to be confirmed but Scarefest fans know that every season comes with its own planning surprises.

Stick with TowersStreet for more Scarefest news.