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Flat Rides: What would you like to see come to the park?

Here are a few flat rides I could see working at Towers.
Moser Speed Flip
I really think this could work well as some kind of Ministry of Joy device.
Slightly higher capacity than Spinjam, would provide a very high thrill ride even on a short cycle and could easily be themed to fit in X Sector.
The next is a Mondial Diablo, I would have chose the Inferno over the Diablo for capacity reasons but I think the Diablo would fit the height limit, although the platform might need a tad excavation work to fully fit clearances approx 62ft online but I'm not sure that's the support arm height or the highest limit reached. I could really see this in Forbidden Valley with the rusted effects added , that's if FV carries on with the post apocalyptic theme.
Finally Im going with a KMG Move IT 32.This I could see in DF with a theme of some kind of summoning, the main bar given some hexish themeing such at branches and chains. Again i chose this model because of a not too bad capacity and something that would fit in with the height limitations.
Would love to see a Gyro swing! The smaller model stands at 55ft so that’s possible, the only issue at max swing it gets to 85ft. But with maybe some clever placement or a little digging down it could be possible. Also love the idea of a Huss top spin coming back, both that and a gyro swing would be a good increase in capacity and very enjoyable experiences on and off ride.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but I think a Zamperla Backfkash - Suspended Windshear would be great! I know there used to be Energizer, an older version, but maybe something like this could go into Dark Forest, themed to branches?

From: https://youtu.be/8wHnzuWxkak



That looks great! Its a combination of the Huss Top Spin and the Mondial Supernova (Energizer/Boneshaker).

It would be a great addition to the park but very similar to the suspended Top Spin if the rumours turn out to be true about one coming to the park.
TPWW have uploaded a new video talking about the potential delay of Horizon to 2026

Interestingly he said what he would “like to see” is 2025 have some permanent flat rides installed. In the past he also said he would “like to see” developments that ended up being :

- Nemesis Retrack
- The Curse
- Increased Events
- Sub Terra reopening

He never ever claims to have an inside scoop or exclusive, but his wish list has been very accurate lately. I wouldn’t be surprised to have a new ride in FV for 24 (Ripsaw site) and then some more in 25
TPWW have uploaded a new video talking about the potential delay of Horizon to 2026

Interestingly he said what he would “like to see” is 2025 have some permanent flat rides installed. In the past he also said he would “like to see” developments that ended up being :

- Nemesis Retrack
- The Curse
- Increased Events
- Sub Terra reopening

He never ever claims to have an inside scoop or exclusive, but his wish list has been very accurate lately. I wouldn’t be surprised to have a new ride in FV for 24 (Ripsaw site) and then some more in 25
It would make sense given that Bianca allegedly claimed at a recent enthusiast event that 3 permanent flat rides are on the way to replace the RetroSquad. If she’s able to claim that with such certainty, then I’d imagine that they are coming sooner rather than later.

With some of the backlash they received in 2023, perhaps they thought that new flat rides were a more pressing priority than Horizon?
TPWW have uploaded a new video talking about the potential delay of Horizon to 2026

Interestingly he said what he would “like to see” is 2025 have some permanent flat rides installed. In the past he also said he would “like to see” developments that ended up being :

- Nemesis Retrack
- The Curse
- Increased Events
- Sub Terra reopening

He never ever claims to have an inside scoop or exclusive, but his wish list has been very accurate lately. I wouldn’t be surprised to have a new ride in FV for 24 (Ripsaw site) and then some more in 25
I think he's just generally very good at reading the room. When you've been invested for as long as he has, it also gets easier to make realistic predictions. See what's being said, keep eyes on everything, never categorically state something is happening unless you know it to be true.

Duel/Curse was some lucky timing. Once the Nemesis retrack had been confirmed it was fairly safe to presume that Sub Terra would be back up and running, he certainly wasn't the only or first person to make the connection there. Increased events was also a bit of a no brainer way to drive traffic post Covid.

Lots of thought out speculation on this very thread has happened, since the announcement of the return of The Retrosquad (also on that thread), about the return of flats next season.

RS was always going to be temporary. 3 years to sort their act out. Bianca on record saying that RS is a temp solution to a known flat problem and permanent flats are on their way. They're pretty glaring tea leaves that we've all been reading.

He's never the first to suggest something, usually. Normally one of the last. If I'm making predictions on the outcome of a football game in the 80th minute, having watched all of it like a hawk, I'd have a pretty good prediction rate too.
TPWW have uploaded a new video talking about the potential delay of Horizon to 2026

Interestingly he said what he would “like to see” is 2025 have some permanent flat rides installed. In the past he also said he would “like to see” developments that ended up being :

- Nemesis Retrack
- The Curse
- Increased Events
- Sub Terra reopening

He never ever claims to have an inside scoop or exclusive, but his wish list has been very accurate lately. I wouldn’t be surprised to have a new ride in FV for 24 (Ripsaw site) and then some more in 25
I mean, as people have said with the 2023 season being... Interesting, to put it nicely I think AT might use the new flat rides to boost capability in the park. As RS as a temporary solution was good, but due to the fact that none of the RS rides were themed in the areas they were placed in, they stuck out like a sore thumb. (Of course, they couldn't theme them as they didn't own the rides as they were leased to the park.)
So maybe AT are trying to make up for both Hex and Skyride being SBNO for this season so they might try to fix what is already at the park before investing in something as big as Project:Horizon, so these new flat rides would a smaller investment but still one to test the waters.
Just a reminder - this is a discussion about rumoured flat rides. Could we stick to that discussion rather than micro-analysing Theme Park Worldwide's content please - thanks.
I feel if we see flat rides stagnate, I would like to see a flat in X-Sector in 2024 and then followed by a flat in Forbidden Valley and Dark Forest in 2025 (maybe 2025 could see a tidy up/retheme of Dark Forest at the same time?). A flat in FV in 2024 would be lovely so the area is 'complete', but it will be a hive of activity regardless, and then on the opposite side of the park, you have two coasters in one area with no support rides at all, so X-Sector would be my ideal spot to take the first new flat ride.
I'd love some cozy flats at the park, maybe near the central area for convenience. For themes, how about a retro '50s diner-inspired one and another with a tropical beach vibe?
I'd love some cozy flats at the park, maybe near the central area for convenience. For themes, how about a retro '50s diner-inspired one and another with a tropical beach vibe?
If by the “central area”, you’re referring to the lawns; I’m not sure that would fly with the council.

They are known to have hated Spinball Whizzer due to its proximity to the Towers Ruins and its obstruction of the view of them, and that ride isn’t even directly in front of the Towers Ruins. I don’t think flat rides in front of the Towers Ruins would go down well with the council at all.

Not to mention that the park also use that area heavily for events at the moment.

If you’re referring to a different area, however, please do correct me.
If by the “central area”, you’re referring to the lawns; I’m not sure that would fly with the council.

They are known to have hated Spinball Whizzer due to its proximity to the Towers Ruins and its obstruction of the view of them, and that ride isn’t even directly in front of the Towers Ruins. I don’t think flat rides in front of the Towers Ruins would go down well with the council at all.

Not to mention that the park also use that area heavily for events at the moment.

If you’re referring to a different area, however, please do correct me.
The lawns and all areas in front of the Towers are part of the Grade I listed park and gardens, so it's not that it wouldn't go down well with the council, it's a non-starter!
The lawns and all areas in front of the Towers are part of the Grade I listed park and gardens, so it's not that it wouldn't go down well with the council, it's a non-starter!
So that backs up my point even further, then! I did have a feeling that the lawns weren’t part of the GDO area where the park generally has carte blanche to do whatever theme park-y things it wants, to a degree.

Out of interest, what parts of the park do fall within the GDO area?
Some of the comments about digging down on here crack me up. Its like we as a community have an obsession with digging because 30 years ago they built a coaster that required this.....
Wasn't sure where to put this but Mr Speculation seems to be adamant that the new FV arcade building will have a ride in it if approved.

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GRtKAzWFG4&lc=UgyZosVpWfhrMUvf5dt4AaABAg.9xrosg8wZfb9xrp47q1Avz

Personally I don't believe it and expect the new arcade to be just that, an arcade. Yes the height extension is interesting but I still don't think ride hardware is the reason for that. I still think that the mentioning of an op cabin on the plans is purely accidental.