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TST Pub Quiz 4: Sat 27th June


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Voltron Nevera


Good afternoon!

After a short hiatus, the TowersStreet Pub Quiz will be back in two weeks' time for a victory lap! If you've been playing along since the start of lockdown, you'll know that this is the 4th instalment, and this will be the last one for the foreseeable future. So, we're going out with a bit of a bang!

We didn't want you to get too comfortable now, so we've made a fewwww, ahem, small changes to the proceedings.

Firstly, Rowe has decided to step back from the hosting hot seat, and has been doing a sterling job of focusing on the behind the scenes work of the quiz. As per the banner, it will be Sam and I acting as your spirit guides for the evening... we're even donning our finery for the occasion!

This time, we will have a number of visual elements to the quiz, so we'll be running a live stream alongside our audio. We're still in the process of working out the best way to do this, so there's not much more information we can provide, but we highly recommend the use of two devices for the night: one to listen in and fill out your answer forms, and the other to watch the stream. We'll of course update you all as and when we have a system set in stone.

The format of the quiz will be very different from what we're all used to! We don't want to reveal too much yet, but we're sure you'll love it! While it's still very much theme park based, a wealth of knowledge isn't the be all and end all this time, so we're very interested to see how the scoreboard turns out! ;)

We'll be doing the scoring for you, and you will need to fill out your answer sheets on Google Forms, which will be distributed on the night. Only one member of your team needs to fill these in.

Registration will open a few days prior, and we'll need all teams to have registered 10 minutes before the quiz starts, so that's 7.50pm on Sat 27th June.

We ask that all teams have no more than 3 members to make it fair for everyone.

Saturday 27th June, 8pm. There will be music played from 7.30pm in the Discord Quiz Voice channel, so we ask that teams start to turn up from then to test their own audio.

As always, it'll be taking place primarily in our Discord chat server, but as mentioned above we do recommend the use of two devices if you're not on desktop.

We look forward to seeing you there, it'll be quite the event!
@Sammy, @Rowe, @Craig and @Burbs
Your TowersStreet Quiz Committee
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Hello. I'd like to address this part of the announcement.

Firstly, Rowe has decided to step back from the hosting hot seat, and has been doing a sterling job of focusing on the behind the scenes work of the quiz.

Yes, it is true. I will not be hosting the fourth TowersStreet Pub Quiz with Sammy and Burbs.

My reason for stepping down is my mental health. Or, to be more specific, an unexpected anxiety attack during the last quiz's second heat. The anxiety attack left me too upset to speak (i.e. crying) and had me lose all confidence in hosting and in my voice. I'm very grateful to Burbs and Sammy for their kindness and stepping in where I was meant to host the final 4 rounds, until I was ready to host in some capacity.

As the weeks have gone on, I'm still very uncomfortable with hosting again. It's just not the place for me now and even reconsidering it makes me feel awful. I also want to make it clear that I won't have a scripted re-introduction at any point in the fourth quiz so, please don't expect to hear me.

This doesn't mean I haven't had a great time producing the quizzes and that I've left the Quiz Committee for good. Burbs, Craig and Sammy have been incredibly supportive and compassionate throughout. As for my new role, I've swapped from the front stage to the back stage and will be revealed all in good time. Visual elements, ey? :wink:

I hope you all respect my decision in stepping down and, I have to say, I'm looking very forward to this last (for now) quizzical hoorah.

See you all on Saturday 27th's eve!
Sam on live stream. This I can’t wait to see.
I’m imagining it being like a cam show of someone you don’t like while they don’t even flash nudes, it’ll just be decking and flowers.

I need another good team name too. @Ian please help.

A li'l teaser for you. ;)

We'll be streaming the videos and visuals throughout the night to the TS YouTube Channel - the link will be posted on the night in the Discord chat. There will naturally be a slight delay between users, but don't worry, there'll be no rounds that are reliant on seeing a certain image at a certain time.

All questions will be on screen to account for audio drop outs, but you'll want to be watching the stream anyway as some rounds are more picture-based than others.

You'll post the registration link early-mid next week, and you'll have up until 7.50pm next Saturday to do so. That being said, we do encourage you to sign up as soon as you've got your team organised so that we can get an idea for numbers.

Device Recommendations
On the night we'll be talking through Discord, streaming on YouTube and answer sheets will be on Google Forms. Therefore we highly recommend taking part on a laptop or device that can handle all 3 together. Only one member of your team will be required to fill in the answer form.

We'll have music playing in Discord and the video stream running from 7.30pm next Saturday, in order for you to test your audio and video settings in advance of starting at 8pm.

We're so excited for this and hope you are too! :D
Gooooood evening! I am delighted to announce that registration is NOW OPEN!!! You have until 7.50pm on Saturday to register, but of course we urge you to do so ASAP so we can get a feel for the numbers.

We're really looking forward to Saturday evening and we hope to see lots of you there. We've each been working on the videos, visuals, script, scoring and audio like there's no tomorrow and it really is like none of the other quizzes in this (unexpected) serial. Quite ridiculous really. You're not going to want to miss this!

Quiz 4 banner register.png
Less than 2 hours to go! If you've not already registered, you have until 7.50pm to do so.

The YouTube link for the video stream is here, but you'll also need to be in the Discord voice chat to hear everything that's going on:

By far the best quiz setup so far - thank you to @Craig , @Rowe , @Burbs & @Sammy for such an enjoyable evening :). Having the YouTube stream on the TV made such a difference to being able to answer the questions.

Can’t believe we won! The second half was much tougher than the first

Closed season quizzes please??
It's really been an absolute pleasure to take part in these quizzes over the past few months. Huge thanks to Craig, Rowe, Burbs, Sammy and Squiggs for all the effort they put in - it's been very much appreciated by everyone, and it's been a great relief from the chaos surrounding us all. I echo Saz's comments in that I'd love to see the quizzes make a comeback over closed season. Whenever that may be over the coming winter. :p
As always, a wonderful evening (and a delight to come second to allow a team who were yet to take a win have one ;) )

Really enjoyed the format tonight and would love to see it return in a similar manner down the line. Live quiz after Fireworks in Dragon Bar tbh!
Well, THAT was a thing! Thank you all so much for your kind comments, it means an awful lot to us. Aaaaanyway, the maximum amount of points on offer was 549, and the full scoreboard is as follows:
  1. The Three Mouseketeers (@Rob, @Russell, @Sazzle) - 387 points
  2. We've Tasted Copperhead Strike IPA and You Haven't (@BigAl, @Danny, @Pedro) - 360 points
  3. Quiz All Over Your Face (@Ellie, @Josh) - 348 points
  4. Slaw And Order: The Final Slaw (@AstroDan, @khalichanan, @Cheese) - 322 points
  5. B&M Fangirl Lottie (@Lottie.) - 320 points
  6. Joris Bohnson (@Tuggerz, Amber) - 307 points
  7. The Bendolinos (@Jonathan, @Mike, @Poisson) - 294 points
  8. Thameslink Rail (@Thameslink Rail) - 292 points
  9. Deans Diamonds (RIP) (@djtruefitt, Dan, Will) - 285 points
  10. the uk's first multi launch experience (ICON!) - 267 points
  11. Once Upon a Team (@Rebecca, Mollie) - 241 points
  12. The Dancing Tealights (@evilcod, Beth) - 240 points
  13. Tom's cool friends (Elliott, Zoe) - 178 points
  14. Cap'n Fred terrible crew (@MattyH) - 167 points
For anyone that didn't manage to make it last night who wanted to, we got a decent audio recording of the quiz which we'll be editing into a video, also for our own archive's sake. We really hope you enjoyed it last night as much as we did!

With much love from the TS Quiz Committee,

@Rowe, @Craig, @Sammy and @Burbs
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Now I have a new award for my signature, I don't need to update it for a few years! Thanks for all the hard work you guys have put in and to everyone who took part.
Thank you so much to all involved, Saturday's quiz was utterly hilarious and brilliant! The live stream video worked so well and seemed to make the quiz easier to follow. And the new rounds just made it even more fun!

It's clear that you all put so much effort in to it though, and I think all of us who took part really do appreciate that!